Tag: son

Day 24: 40 Days of Thankfulness

Today I am hugely thankful that the last major issue we had here was prostate cancer this summer.  I haven’t talked/written much about that because I want to be sure that the radiation and Lupron have done what they’re supposed to and this beast is gone. Before that the last major issue was in 2013 …

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Day 23: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Our son Facetimes most every Sunday, just to chat. I am thankful that he’s doing so well for himself, has a wonderful new wife, has a good job, good friends, is a fine musician and that he’s not afraid to say he loves his parents.   We love you, too!  

Day 17: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Our son Facetimed Sunday, just to chat. I am thankful that he’s doing so well for himself, has a wonderful new wife, has a good job, good friends, is a fine musician and that he’s not afraid to say he loves his parents.   We love you, too!  

Day 7: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  TiVo. I love that I can fast forward through commercials and have all my favorite shows waiting for me when I lie down on the sofa (and fall asleep!) I probably wouldn’t have gotten one of these when we did but our son got us one for Christmas many years ago. He had it …

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Day 1: 40 Days of Thankfulness

  Several years ago I decided to try Facebook’s 40 Days of Thankfulness and I’m going to post all 40 days here since I know that it will auto-post to Facebook and my blogs. Although I have had several problems in my life (and who hasn’t?), I’m sure I can come up with at least …

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    I originally wrote this on 9/11/01… I, too, was stunned to hear the news this morning and continuing throughout the day. It was just something unbelievable.  My husband and I were on a Land Rover 4X4 tour of the off-road areas of Barbados when we first got the news. At first, when we …

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Riverdance / St. Patrick’s Day Memories

  Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.   When I was a …

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Giving Thanks, Day 26: November 12, 2017

  Our son Facetimed yesterday, just to chat. I am thankful that he’s doing so well for himself, has a wonderful fiance, has a good job, good friends, is a fine musician and that he’s not afraid to say he loves his parents.   We love you, too!  

We Remember 9/11

    I originally wrote this on 9/11/01… I, too, was stunned to hear the news this morning and continuing throughout the day. It was just something unbelievable.  My husband and I were on a Land Rover 4X4 tour of the off-road areas of Barbados when we first got the news. At first, when we …

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Saint Patrick’s Day / Riverdance

  Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.   When I was a …

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