It All Starts Somewhere

Last Saturday, we celebrated a late Thanksgiving since our son couldn’t get home any earlier.  Sunday afternoon, we did our usual “hike” (aka meander) which was taking our dog on a local trail.  Sometimes, my mom goes, sometimes not.  When she’s with us, we plan for an easier trail.

Using an app that we have, our son chose the improbably named Horsepen Run Stream Valley Trail.

We walked for a very short distance, rounded a curve and there it was – the very first LFL we had ever seen.  Apparently, last time we had come in a different entrance.   On this screenshot, last time we’d come towards the LFL from the right instead of the bottom.

You can see from our tracking app where we stopped and looked around 🙂


Here’s what the first looks like now.


The guestbook was cleverly hidden but we signed it and told the owners that they had inspired us to make our own.